Guest speaker, Robin McBride Scott, will conduct a workshop on Weaving a Cane Mat, using native American Bamboo at the 16th Annual Texas Bamboo Festival.

The workshop will start on Sunday August 24, 2008 at 12 noon and will take approximately 3 hours. Workshop participants will learn to weave a mat that they will take home with them.

Registration Deadline is Wednesday, August 13.

Robin McBride Scott is an award winning artist of Cherokee ancestry, who works in Traditional Woodland materials and native American Bamboo. She is the first place recipient of the American Bamboo Society Arts and Craft Award for 2007 for her work with basketry and canebrake (Arundinaria gigantea) bamboo. Robin is a consultant, presenter, and teacher of performing and visual Native arts. She is a 2008 recipient of the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian Visiting Artist Fellowship.

Robin McBride Scott and Rivercane Mats and Basketry

Here are some samples of what the workshop participants will learn to do at the workshop:

sample of weaving using native American bamboo
Another sample of weaving workshop using native American bamboo
The Bamboo Festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday, August 23-24, 2008 at Zilker Botanical Garden, Austin, Texas.

Robin McBride Scott personally harvests, prepares and dyes the native American Bamboo (Arundinaria gigantea) for the weavings.

Please note the workshop will be limited to 10-15 participants. The workshop will last approximately 3 hours and the workshop registration fee is $100 per person.

To reserve a space in the workshop - fill out the form and mail it with your check for $100 per person. questions? email or call 512-929-9565.

Registration Deadline is Wednesday, August 13.

Registration form for Weaving Workshop

  • Name_________________________________________________________________

  • Address______________________________________________________________

  • City/State/Zip_______________________________________________________

  • Phone_______________________________________________________________

  • Email_______________________________________________________________

    To reserve a space in the workshop: Make check for $100 per person payable to Texas Bamboo Society

    Mail Check to: Weaving Workshop c/o Carole Meckes 6707 Willamette Drive Austin, TX 78723